Geregistreerd op: 24 Aug 2018 Berichten: 1392
Geplaatst: 27-09-2018 08:10:09 Onderwerp: British fans of the |
China is willing to work with Sri Lanka for better development of strategic cooperative partnership between the two countries Jordan 1 Retro Wheat , Chinese President Xi Jinping said in a message addressed to Sri Lankan President Maithripala Sirisena on Sunday.
In the message to congratulate Sri Lanka on the 70th anniversary of its independence from the British colonial rule in 1948, Xi recalled the traditional friendship and mutual assistance between China and Sri Lanka, and said that the two countries have conducted pragmatic cooperation within the framework of joint construction of the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road, achieving fruitful results.
"I pay high attention to the development of China-Sri Lanka relations, and I am willing to make concerted efforts with President Sirisena to push the China-Sri Lanka strategic cooperative partnership of sincere mutual assistance and long-standing friendship to keep achieving greater development in the better interest of the two countries and the two peoples Jordan 1 High OG Wheat ," Xi said.
Proposed by China in 2013, the Belt and Road Initiative aims to build trade and infrastructure networks connecting Asia with Europe and Africa based on ancient land and maritime trade routes.
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British fans of the US rock band Eagles of Death Metal, which was playing at a Paris concert hall targeted in Friday's attacks Jordan 1 Wheat , have started a social media campaign to push one of the band's songs to the No.1 spot.
"Get Eagles Of Death Metal to the No.1 this week as a statement of support and peace," read the description of the campaign @EODMforNo1 on Twitter on Monday.
A Facebook page calling on supporters to download the song "Save a Prayer," a cover of Duran Duran's hit single of the same name, had more than 6,500 "likes."
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